Spatio-Temporal Interpolation
Spatio-temporal interpolation module.
Support function to perform interpolation in various ways
interpolate(location_in=None, time_in=None, values_in=None, location_out=None, time_out=None, **kwargs)
Interpolates data based on input.
Interpolation using scipy.griddata function. Which in turn uses linear barycentric interpolation.
It is assumed that the shape of location_in, time_in and values_in is consistent
When time_out has the same size as number of rows of location_out, it is assumed these are aligned and be treated as consistent, hence the output will be a column vector. If this is not the case an interpolation will be performed for all combinations of rows in location out with times of time_out and output wil be shaped as [nof_location_values x dimension]
If location_out == None, we only perform temporal (1D) interpolation. If time_out == None we only perform spatial interpolation
If linear interpolation is not possible for spatio or spatiotemporal interpolation, we use nearest neighbor interpolation, a warning will be displayed
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Array of size [nof_values x dimension] with locations to interpolate from |
Union[ndarray, DatetimeArray]
Array of size [nof_values x 1] with timestamps or some form of time values (seconds) to interpolate from |
Array of size [nof_values x 1] with values to interpolate from |
Array of size [nof_location_values x dimension] with locations to interpolate to |
Union[ndarray, DatetimeArray]
Array of size [nof_time_values x 1] with timestamps or some form of time values (seconds) to interpolate to |
Other keyword arguments which get passed into the griddata interpolation function |
Name | Type | Description |
result |
Array of size [nof_location_values x nof_time_values] with interpolated values |
Source code in src/pyelq/support_functions/
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
temporal_resampling(time_in, values_in, time_bin_edges, aggregate_function='mean', side='center')
Resamples data into a set of time bins.
Checks which values of time_in are withing 2 consecutive values of time_bin_edges and performs the aggregate function on the corresponding values from values_in. time_in values outside the time_bin_edges are ignored. Empty bins will be assigned a 'NaN' value.
When 'time_in' is a sequence of time stamps, a DatetimeArray should be used. Otherwise, a np.ndarray should be used.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Union[ndarray, DatetimeArray]
A vector of times which correspond to values_in. |
required |
A vector of the values to be resampled. |
required |
Union[ndarray, DatetimeArray]
A vector of times which define the edges of the bins into which the data will be resampled. |
required |
The function which is used to aggregate the data after it has been sorted into bins. Defaults to mean. |
Which side of the time bins should be used to generate times_out. Possible values are: 'left', 'center', and 'right'. Defaults to 'center'. |
Name | Type | Description |
time_out |
Union[ndarray, DatetimeArray]
Vector-like object containing the times of the resampled values consistent with time_in dtype and side input argument. |
values_out |
A vector of resampled values, according to the time bins and the aggregate function. |
Type | Description |
If any of the input arguments are not of the correct type or shape, this error is raised. |
Source code in src/pyelq/support_functions/
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